(Almost) everything about me!

I’m Candy, an amateur artist and soon-to-be 2D animator! I am a 17 year old Mexican-American living in Edmond, OK! I am currently enrolled in the Digital Media Design course at Francis Tuttle! When I’m not scoring full combos and playing 4v4 squid shooters, I’m usually drawing my interests!


My projects for DMD

My prompt was an ignorant human who is tall and plump, with short, straight green hair, brown eyes, a dark skin tone, and a mustache. They love fashion. They want to own as many books as possible but fear pollen. I had to design this character in 30 hours, which is 10 days. I wanted to appeal mostly to teens, but also young adults. A challenge for me was to not dwell on the colours since I don’t usually think about the colours I put on my characters in my personal work.

Thanks for stopping by!