I was tasked to do a 3D model of a room for a disabled war vet, I ended up separating those 30 hours into 10 for each segment I worked on. 10 for researching, 10 for brainstorming then 10 for the actual model itself.
My audience is for people wanting to design accessible rooms or disabled war vets.
I utilized Maya skills for the model, photoshop for the original sketch, and adobe after effects to make s turn arounds.
This was my original concept sketch based off some of the research I did, most of it was based off memories from my great grandpas house.
Some of the challenges I faced was Maya itself, going into the project I knew nothing about it and wanted to try something new. It took a while just because it was new to me.
To wrap it up, I think my strong suits of this project was the planing, I made a relatively good sketch idea for the project.