


Feel that their projects are fantastic*


feel their ability to work with others has drastically increased*


feel their trust in small businesses has greatly increased*

What do I Do?

Game Design

I am the Co-Founder of Gold Snorkel Studios and am currently the lead world Designer using Unreal Engine.

Free Dj Equipment photo and picture
Sound Design

While I mostly focus on game design, I also and putting my feet in the water of music, one of my songs has over 13 thousand views on YouTube.

Idea Realization

I really enjoy coming up with ideas for how I can solve any issues that I may need to, past, present, or future.

Why Me?

I am a very dedicated worker when it comes to both projects I enjoy and problems that no one else can solve. I find learning to code very challenging so I found a way around it by using Unreal Blueprints, and now we’re making good advancements into our games.

Contact me

You can find my Contacts by clicking the button below.